A Bomb went out last friday at 2 5-starred hotel in the heart of the embassies area. As an Indonesian, sure i wept. Yes I agree, the attack wasa clueless. the attack was pointless. the attack was childish. But i guess regret has no advantage in this point. so rather then keep on complaining the authorities, why dont we start over. start from ourselves.

1. Rather then complaining, start your own sense of belonging in your surroundings. dont be careless about your neighbourhood. criminals, everywhere in the world, even the most trained one, should leave suspicious movement, or characteristics.

2. KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOUR!!!! yes your rich, yes your famous, but what good does it make when your dead? your security, driver or maiden wouldnt recognize your neighbour, but you should!

3. Stay informed. as you’ve must already know, knowledge is king.

4. Perhaps you’ve already forgotten, your RT/ ketua lingkungan, RW, Lurah and Camat is also your protector. If you are one of those people, please, recognize your people… your fake ID are giving difficulties to the intellegence to track down criminals. If you ever given any of those, then you Β may assume you are also a killer and the part of the terrorist.

5. Dont be a smart ass. report everything suspicious. If your not doing anything wrong, i believe you are brave and smart enough to Β shown what your doing inside your house. invasion of privacy? think again. its genocide what we are up against.

6. DO NOT OVER-REACT. You must not report everything to the media. they are not the authority, so they are as stupid as you are. GO TO THE POLICE!! If you are the media, please, dont over-tell the stories. Yes you have the freedom of press. but what give you the right to create mass panic. remember, 80% of your viewers are doing exactly as you told them to do. so please be wise. its not easy, i know, but if you do it in the name of ratings, is it worth the same as your country?

what i asked is not easy, i know. but its simple enough, and its worth your life, and your love ones.


  1. Ijin posting di blog ya mas. Posting ini keren. Gue suka!

  2. […] suka sekali posting mas contradictiveminds tentang bagaimana seharusnya kita bersikap menghadapi terorism di Indonesia […]

  3. permission granted. actually its a privellage for me πŸ™‚

    • Thanks… errrr…. ini komen gak penting sih… cuma pengen menginfasi blog ini dengan gambar avatar gue, biar yang disebelah kiri ini, isinya avatar gue semua, hahaha… πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜›

      • Yahhh, masih kurang satu lagi yahhh… ya udah, reply yang ini aja… teteup masih gak penting inihhh, sekalian hetrixx (eh, kalo hetrix kan 3x yah, kalo 5x apa? :P)

        *tiba2 mikir, pagi ini kok happy banget yah, pasti gara2 obat2 semalam nih* πŸ˜›

  4. ijin copas yah,,,


    • granted.

  5. Maaf mas, hampir lupa. Ijin share this post on office yah. Belum punya blog karena selama ini memang cuma jadi penikmat berlita aja bro. Saya share ini di email saya ke teman-teman yg kegila-gila indonesiaunite. Of course with your’s and silly’s link.

    I really think you should write more often, mas contradictive. You and silly seems to share the same thought and manner yah, haha. I’m listing your blog on my RSS feed reader now.

    Thanks bro. Nice to know you, by the way.

    • Ijin copas bos!

      • granted

    • Granted.

      Sama-sama bro. πŸ™‚

  6. totally agree with you! advancement of the nation begins with advancement of the self.

    • thank goodness everybody’s with me πŸ™‚

  7. IndonesiaUnite ‘s Official Twitter.

    indonesiaunite = Indonesia Bersatu.
    KAMI TIDAK TAKUT. We Are Not Affraid. Indonesia Unite

  8. […] dari tulisan contradictiveminds diterjemahkan oleh silly, berikut beberapa hal yang bisa kita […]

  9. nice post mas cm. aku stuju ma mas cm & mbak silly, aku jg suka klo org lebih meningkatkan kewaspadaan mulai dari diri sendiri drpd gerakan ikut-ikutan biar terkesan gaul. ih, suka sebel emang sm org yg gaya2 doang.

    • iya itu dia.. pendirinya mungkin berniat tulus, tapi karena gerakan para abegeh-nya yang tidak bertanggung jawab, “ketajaman” gerakan ini malah terkikis… yang malah jadi trend. bagus kalo trend followernya ngerti. kalo ngga? ketemu ama orang iseng, bisa kemana2 tuh…

      anyway, thanks for the comment! πŸ™‚

    • panda… kamu sama gak dengan panda yang di termehek2… atau panda yang di lsit YM gue juga?, hehehee. Iya, aku juga suka sebel, tapi kalo sebel doang gak di tulis, gak ada yang peduli khan?. Kemarin tuh banyak yg gak suka, but who care. Saya gak takut dimusuhin, kalo saya merasa benar, hihihi… Ternyata gak juga khan?. Aku perhatiin twitter sekarang dah gak terlalu banyak spamnya. Tapi takutnya abis ini melempem lalu menghilang, itu yg gue sedihin kalo sampe kejadian. Hanya menarik perhatian dunia lalu berhenti, ahhh… it’s NATO then. πŸ™‚

      • loh? ini kok ikut2an komen? :))

  10. […] suka sekali posting mas contradictiveminds tentang bagaimana seharusnya kita bersikap menghadapi terorism di Indonesia […]

  11. empat jempol di udara! πŸ™‚
    saya refer post saya ke post dirimu ini yaah.

    o iya, salam kenal mas con.

    • ati2 kejengkang! :p

      oke, please do.

      salam kenal juga feb… tapi kalo manggil dengan panggilan yang kamu panggil sekarang, si silly jadi ngilu tuh :p

    • Nadiaaaaaaaaaa 4 jempol, lo gak kejungklang?… hahahhahaha… And Oh My God, lo manggil mas CM dengan mas con… bikin gue ngakak mampus tahu gak, hahahaha. Dr kemarin mo bales komen lo ini tapi kpala gw sakit say. Kayaknya trapi a cup of wine every night lebih membantu deh, hihihi. (ya ampun kita kok malah ngerumpi di posting orang yahhh, hahahahha)

      Mas CM aja nad, jangan mas con… aneh banget rasanya, if you know what I mean :)) :)) :))

    • kalo boleh, CM aja, ga pake mas… saya ga jualan mas… sumpe deh!

    • wakakakkaka…. dasar piktor kamu berdua yah, hahahhaa. gue bener2 gak kepikiran loh tadinya, huahahha.

      Oke deh senengnya pake inisial aja ya CM tanpa mas!
      Sip, noted πŸ™‚

  12. mas, ijin share link ini di blog ya. makasih πŸ™‚

  13. […] diam saja, itu sama saja membuat teroris semakin gencar di negri kita. Saya mendapatkan link ini, mas contradictiveminds, yang di salah satu posting blognya membahas tentang bagaimana seharusnya kita menghadapi terorism […]

  14. couldnt agree for more

  15. Nice article, but regarding your remarks about the media, I would appreciate it if you had not generalized the media and I am especially offended with your choice of using the word “stupid”. Yes, one or two TV stations may have exaggerated and embellished certain info, but that doesn’t mean numerous print, radio and online media as well as some other more prominent TV stations merit the same labeling.
    Yes, we reporters may be as stupid or as smart as the next layman, but I would bet that if you relay a valid info to _ say _ elshinta radio, the reporters would channel you directly to a Densus 88 officer faster than if you go to a local police precinct.
    I’ve worked alongside a number of the country’s best journalists covering terrorism, and believe me they know what they are doing, busting their ass and risking their life not only to report the slightest info to the public but also help you and your blog readers to evaluate and make sure that the police, the authority and the politicians are really doing their job and using taxpayers money accordingly.

    just another ‘stupid’ journo

    • @zak: I understood. But still has not change my opinion that the media is the root of all problems. If I may say, perhaps your explanation above are mis-addressed. Perhaps your kind is not the majority of the reporters, perhaps your kind are the minority. Have you ever think of that?

      Again, I think, if you love your nation, you should start the change within you. Start by accepting critics, and then pass your understanding about the critics to fellow profession, so they can pass it again to another.

      Final remarks about media, its not what and how you know the news, but its how you deliver it to the people.

      Hope this settle all.

  16. […] Noordin M Top? Kalo iya, berarti anda tidak baca himbauan saya disini, maupun yang ditulis oleh mas CM disini… STAY […]

  17. […] Noordin M Top? Kalo iya, berarti anda tidak baca himbauan saya disini, maupun yang ditulis oleh mas CM disini… STAY […]

  18. You make some good thoughts within this post.

    • thanks. hope we all share the same thoughts πŸ™‚ nice to know you tikno

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